Join the Ocean City Board of REALTORS® As a REALTOR® MEMBER

Create Connections

Our business is all about connection, to buyers, sellers, lenders, insurance companies, closing agents, appraisers and everyone else who helps us close transactions. Our most important connection, however, is with each other. Success in our industry depends on our active participation within our organization.

As REALTORS ® we guide our clients through the process of ultimately buying, selling or leasing real estate property. Continually working to improve that process is part of what we do as REALTORS ®, and a very important part of our organization.

Together, we can make great things happen. As a REALTOR ®, you are part of an elite group and the world's largest trade association, National Association of REALTORS ®. The more than 1.3 million members who make up the REALTOR ® organization creates incredible power. That power translates to numerous benefits for every member.

Protecting Our Profession

REALTORS ® are involved in government affairs. We are in Washington and Trenton, fighting every day for our profession and for legislation that is favorable to home ownership. Find out what we're doing right now, and how you can get involved at the REALTOR ® Party website.

RPAC- REALTOR ® Political Action Committee
The purpose of RPAC is clear: REALTORS ® raise and fund money to elect candidates who understand and support their interests. The money to accomplish this comes from voluntary contributions made by REALTORS ®. RPAC enables REALTORS ® to support candidates who advocate for the issues that are important to their profession and livelihood. It is the power of all of us working together.

Competitive Advantage

Enhance your education and earn designations and certifications. Stay informed in this ever-changing industry. Leverage the REALTOR ® brand by taking advantage of the national advertising campaigns, and see how we're making a difference with consumers. Utilize this to your advantage.

Technology- RPR,, Ziplogix, and more. These technology resources are available to your make your business a successl.

As REALTORS ®, we follow a strict Code of Ethics that to which non-members cannot lay claim. Our Code represents honor, integrity and service in our industry. It guides us through our daily interactions with clients, the public and each other. And it sets us apart from everyone else. No matter what your needs are, you can find help at your National, State, and Local Board levels. Welcome to the REALTORS ® family. We appreciate your membership.

Click Here for a New Member REALTORS ® Application (pdf)

Not a REALTOR ®? Learn about our Affiliate Program and Join the Board as an Affiliate Member.